I Can't Log Into Facebook Via Chrome | How to fix login issues [Complete Guide]

Facebook is the biggest social media network in the world with 2.7 billion monthly users and has been around for 16 years.

They've provided us with a platform to connect, communicate with people all over the world, 

But sometimes they fail due to system failure or browser compatibility issues, and this cause users sometimes a great deal of frustration.

Usually, these issues may be mild problems with simple fix such as clearing your cache, browser, using another browser or rebooting your system or device, to the platform itself having issues and maybe down as in some cases, 

This post provides ways to solve this login issues while using the chrome browser and provide ways to access the platform whenever such issues arise.

Let's dive in

Make sure your time and date are set correctly

Mostly on computer browsers incorrect time and/or date can cause the browser not to function properly usually coming up with error notice and in some case informing you to set your time and date correctly.

Check to see if the time and dates are set correct values as what is obtainable in your area and set accordingly if it's not set correctly.

Open an incognito tab/window

Due to some reasons, your browser might misbehave sometimes, to fix this, open an incognito tab and go to the Facebook site and fill in your login detail.

To open a new incognito tab is quite easy, just press Ctrl+Shift+N for Windows users, for Mac users, this would be Command+Shift+N.

If you're the mobile version of Chrome, just tap the three vertical dots (option/menu tab), locate and tap New incognito tab

Check to see if you're using an outdated version of chrome browser

When updates are made to the Chrome browser, sometimes there arise compatibility issues and this may be responsible for the login issues you are facing, 

Usually, these are fixes that the Google team will undertake to resolve the issue.

To proceed, install the current version of Chrome if you use the old version and if you on the new version and you're still experiencing the same problem,

Then you should consider using a different browser other than Chrome, a good option would be Firefox.

Disable Adblocker and third party plugins/Add-ons

"Disable any third-party plugins/add-ons on your computer and ad blocker on your device", Facebook states on their support site

These third-party add-ons or plugins, and ad blockers are somethings the culprit for login issues, 

To proceed simply disable them for now and try to login again, and hopefully, that should do the trick.

Clear your Cache and browser files

Your browser is a work-horse that has probably accessed hundreds of sites and networks, all of these web navigation and accessing may lead to the build-up of stored files which is known as cache

Usually, your browser is designed to store some files from websites it visits.

While this is a nice feature for web browsers, because it helps with user experience and site loading speed, accumulation of these files can begin to cause problems, 

To get rid of this issue, simply clear your browser caches or also known as browser data.

These should be in the setting or preference option on your browser. 

For Chrome desktop users this can be done by

  • Clicking the three vertical dots (More) at the top right corner of your screen. 
  • Click More tools and afterward select Clear browsing data
  • For this application select All time
  • Check the Cached images and files box and unselect others
  • To complete the process Click Clear data.

For mobile user, you can clear the cache on your device by simply 

  • Tapping the three vertical dots (options menu/tab)  at top right-hand corner of the screen
  • Select History
  • Tap CLEAR BROWSING DATA which is above the history entries. 
  • Select only cache files (possibly uncheck the other two options) and tap Clear from the pop-up page to complete the process.

Check out this post on how to clear cache for chrome to learn more

Close the browser and reboot your system or device 

System glitch may cause some Internet connectivity issues, closing all the browser tabs, and the Chrome app itself, logging out and do reboot of your device thereafter might provide a fix, 

To test, simply fire-up your browser and try to access the site again and see if it works.

Restore your browser setting to default.

Sometimes custom setting on your browser can hinder system connection with other sites, 

To fix this issue kindly restore your Chrome settings to default, restart your device and try to access the site once again.

Note that doing this would lead to losing some custom settings made on the app.

Try a different browser

If you've employed all the methods up to the point, and you still can't log in or access your account, 

You want to consider switching to a different browser, Firefox is a good option, and try to log into your account.

Wait, wait, and wait

If you've done everything literally, changed browsers, cleared your cache, reboot your system and nothing seems to work, the next step to take is to wait, be patient,  I know this sounds terrible

E.g. You're trying to get the word out to a friend, family member, or a colleague at works, or you're a social media account manager with dozens of account to manage, this can feel very frustrating, I know

But at this point, all you have to do is let it work its self out!

Sometimes just like every machine Facebook system fails and usually this means the site is down and cannot be accessed.

Whenever there are widespread complaints of login issues or the site cannot be accessed by  users, there is a good chance that the Facebook site is down.

At this point you can only wait and hope, the guys at Facebook get their shit together, get the site back online and accessible to all.

At this point, you can either wait for them to fix the site or use other social media platforms, if that if possible, believe me, there are tons out there (I know I'm treading a fine line)

You can also employ the services of some online Facebook down checker tools to see for yourself
Here are some options to start with

1. Isitdownrightnow
2. Downrightnow
3. Downdetector
4. Downforeveryoneorjustme
